If UTF-8 works in xterm but not in Konsole, the solution is to change the default font to “Liberation Mono”
FreeBSD, Why isn’t utf-8 default in 2017?
A scratchpad full of useful information, rants and old scriblings
If UTF-8 works in xterm but not in Konsole, the solution is to change the default font to “Liberation Mono”
FreeBSD, Why isn’t utf-8 default in 2017?
Welcome to WordPress. Yes, it looks like MovableType is no longer OpenSource, so time to switch to WordPress.
As with every Ubuntu version, the upgrade is kind of broken.
* systemd doesn’t like hal anymore. Recommended procedurce: remove hal
* KDE has forgotten its sound configuration and preferes the HDMI port over the onboard sound.
* akonadi and apparmor don’t work together. I suggest to remove apparmor
* …to be continued.
The BfL source of version 4.1/2 does not offer a build system for Linux.
Here is an automake Makefile.am:
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign AM_CFLAGS = -g -Wall AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflI3P4AAct/inc/ \ -I$(top_srcdir)/types \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflI3P4/inc \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflIo/inc \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflRegCtl/inc \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflBal/inc \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflAux/inc \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflOpCtl/inc \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflNfc/inc/ \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflIdMan/inc \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflI3P3A/inc \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflMfRd/inc/ \ -I$(top_srcdir)/intfs/IphcsBflPolAct/inc/ \ -D__int32_t_defined -D__int64_t_defined AM_CXXFLAGS = -DPHFL_BFL_CPP lib_LTLIBRARIES = libCBFL.la libCBFL_la_SOURCES = \ comps/phcsBflI3P4AAct/src/phcsBflI3P4AAct.c \ comps/phcsBflOpCtl/src/phcsBflOpCtl_Hw1.c \ comps/phcsBflAux/src/phcsBflAux_Hw1.c \ comps/phcsBflIo/src/phcsBflIoHw1/phcsBflIo_Hw1.c \ comps/phcsBflNfc/src/phcsBflNfc_Target.c \ comps/phcsBflNfc/src/phcsBflNfc_Initiator.c \ comps/phcsBflIdMan/src/phcsBflIdMan.c \ comps/phcsBflI3P3A/src/phcsBflI3P3A_Hw1.c \ comps/phcsBflBal/src/phcsBflBal_Hw1SerLin.c \ comps/phcsBflMfRd/src/phcsBflMfRd.c \ comps/phcsBflRegCtl/src/phcsBflRegCtlSer/phcsBflRegCtl_SerHw1.c \ comps/phcsBflPolAct/src/phcsBflPolAct_Hw1.c \ comps/phcsBflI3P4/src/phcsBflI3P4_Pcd.c \ comps/phcsBflI3P4AAct/src/phcsBflI3P4AAct_Wrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflOpCtl/src/phcsBflOpCtl_Wrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflIo/src/phcsBflIo_Wrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflNfc/src/phcsBflNfc_TargetWrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflNfc/src/phcsBflNfc_InitiatorWrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflIdMan/src/phcsBflIdMan_Wrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflI3P3A/src/phcsBflI3P3A_Wrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflBal/src/phcsBflBal_Wrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflMfRd/src/phcsBflMfRd_Wrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflRegCtl/src/phcsBflRegCtl_Wrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflPolAct/src/phcsBflPolAct_Wrapper.cpp \ comps/phcsBflI3P4/src/phcsBflI3P4_PcdWrapper.cpp
And a standard configure.ac
Beware the BfL does not work on 64bit systems.
Forget about configuring your sound device with KDE.
It is just confusing and does not work as you intended most of the time.
Here two useful blacklist.conf entries:
Disable the onboard soundcard in favor of USB soundcard:
blacklist snd_hda_intel
Disable the HDMI output of your soundcard:
pavucontrol is a useful tool to mute speakers and adjust the balance
git does not display moves per default.
git config alias.lof "log --follow"
Jexcel has an annoying Feature: It exports Dates always as UTC.
They have published some kind of workaround for reading Excelfiles, but it does not work for Writing Excel files.
My workaround:
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault(); int offset = tz.getOffset(date.getTime()); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(date); cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, offset); DateTime datetime = new DateTime(j,i, cal.getTime()); WritableCellFormat cf = new WritableCellFormat(df); datetime.setCellFormat(cf);
* Display Mail User Agent
* Enigmail
* Lightning
* SmartTemplate
On Kubuntu:
* Theme Font & Size Changer
* Upgrading the flashplugin. Solution: deinstall the flashplugin before doing a system upgrade
* Nvidia-Twinview + unity. Solution: Don’t use unity
* Migrating .kde from 4.6 to 4.7: So far none, i made a new user
* Booting is hanging for 2minutes if there is no network connection.
Solution: So far none.
Resume: Don’t upgrade now