Today I tried to reproduce the panics I ran into yesterday with a recent CURRENT.
I could reproduce my UDP locking issue from kern/48560 and the tcp locking issue from yesterday. Truckman confirmed that the NFS via TCP problem is a known problem and pointed to an alpha patch from Jeffrey Hsu from April.
I also ran into another more serious panic while I umount’ed an NFS exported Filesystem. See my mail to freebsd-current for details. phk categorized it as an evil bug, but did not really felt responsible.
At the moment FreeBSD 5.x sux, and I don’t see this changing in the near future….:-(
Month: August 2003
Hero of the day: le
le has found the bug in the RDF feed that confused his rssfetch-perlscript. After the fix was committed by simon, I am now able to offer links to the FreeBSD Newsflash.
Now he only needs to fix his own Feed….
With perl -w you get the following Warnings:.
Use of uninitialized value in exists at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/XML/ line 1432.
De-bugging FreeBSD
Today I continued my Ripping project. I managed to panic my System twice,
while I was trying to tune the NFS performance over the wireless link.
See my posting to freebsd-current for details.
Now is a good time to update the world on polly…
arved the Ripper
It is still too hot. Today I bought 18 litres of mineral water and I am sweating nearly at the same rate.
Since the heat prevents me from doing something serious, I continued my effort to convert all my Audio CDs into Ogg-Files. I have reserved 10GB on my Harddisk and already ripped 2GB. But thats not even 10% of my CDs, so I have something to do if the temperature does not decrease the next days. I discovered some old CDs I haven’t heard for a long time
The Chaos
Last week lauri posted a nice poem on IRC.
While reading it loud I noticed how much my english sucks.
It is called “The Chaos” by Gerald Nolst Trenite.
IIRC I first read it during my english lessons at school.
What happend?
The first day without an enty, am I loosing interest?
Well no, but yesterday I was too busy to add anything.
I borrowed the RDF Feed idea from le’s blog and so now you can read the
latest headlines from his blog on the right.
I also discovered the first bug in MT. Umlauts in the Headline cripple the rdf
stream :-(.
Additional one of my harddisks died probably because it got too hot. Luckily no
important data was lost. I sent it to Maxtor, hopefully I will get a Replacement.
jkh visiting Europe
Last Weekend on IRC Jordan K. Hubbard confirmed the rumour that he will visit Europe in November.
He plans to visit Munich were he worked a few years for a company called PCS that produced a Computer called Cadmus *ancient history WOW!*.
Perhaps some BUGAT members manage to beam themselves to the BIM Stammtisch to meet him.
New keyanalyze report
Jason Harris has released the latest PGP keyanalyze report.
After I nearly hit the Top 50 after Linuxtag Keysigning, I am now falling down again to number 74. Christian Brueffer now owns the best key of the FreeBSD committers.
The other interesting detail about this report, for the first time, there has been a change at the top. Mattias Bauer replaced Florian Lohoff as new No 1.
Although I have exchanged keys with him I can hardly remember his face. Shame on me! He is using FreeBSD and submitted some ports PRs which I handled. Perhaps I should take a digicam to the next geek event.
Use the Force, arved
Yesterday the ORF, Austrian Television was showing “The Return of the Jedi”.
So now I have seen at least two of the famous Starwars movies.
A story that fits into this context: On Friday I felt tempted by the dark side of the force when I was installing some more Accesspoints for the Universities Wireless LAN.
I discovered that the IGW offers Internet Access involuntarily via an open Accesspoint.
One member of the IGW is Peter Purgathofer, A Jedi who uses his lightsaber to teach the students taking his course. (If anyone has a photo please send it to me)
Unfortunately all Computers in the LAN were Macintoshs speaking Appletalk, so I was not able to sniff useful data and stayed on the light side :-).
Second Entry
The Second Entry is a critical one. A Blog having more than one Entry looks like a Blog that is actually used.
Adding a second Entry is hard work for the brain, “Oh, I have a Weblog? What was the URL again?”. Especially if it is as hot as today. (Kweather is showing 32�C).
A more serious problem: Writing “First Post!” is easy, but the Followups should
at least contain some content. So here is what happend since yesterday:
During fiddling with the Layout I noticed that my Server was quite unresponsive.
First I thought this was because of the regular tasks usually running between 3 and 4 am, but after some Investigation i noticed that the machine is swapping like hell. Well 64MB RAM isn’t much for a machine running my Mailserver, a SQUID, an INN, an NFS Server and several other services.
Unfortunately the Chaintech 5TTM1 Mainboard supports only 2x32MB SDRAM.
So no additional RAM for poor huckfinn. After some discussion with wca on IRC
I stopped the rpc.statd which consomed 270MB for just sitting there.
Now the biggest consumer is the INN with around 60MB, but there is no easy way to reduce that one.
I further plan to move the NFS and FTP Service to my new Server, that I want to buy soon.