New rssfetch script

Spent the day with rewriting the rssfetch script.
It now uses XML::RSS::Parser which should be a lot smaller and more liberal than XML::RSS. I also replaced LWP::Simple with LWP::UserAgent, so that I can overwrite the UserAgent string :-).
Additional I tried to reduce hardcoded information, so that I can put it on my homepage one day.
Of course the new version will have bugs, so be patient.

2 thoughts on “New rssfetch script”

  1. Of course the new version will have bugs, so be patient
    And it does indeed have bugs. 😉 – – [20/Jan/2004:10:15:13 +0100] “GET /blog/b2rss.php HTTP/1.1” 200 4553 “-” “rssfetch $major.$minor.$micro – $comment \\n”

  2. Oops…That really defeats the purpose of sending a useragent. It should not embarass the author :).
    Obviously I am not a perl monkey.

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