If you would actually read this blog, you would notice, that it rarely happens that i will write more than one blog entry per day. It is not necessary to fetch my Feed every minute.
So please consider increasing the fetch-interval to at least 30 minutes, or I must consider blocking you. - - [05/Dec/2005:15:09:41 +0100] "GET /weblog/index.rdf HTTP/1.1"200 20036 "-" "Akregator/1.2; librss/remnants" - - [05/Dec/2005:15:10:41 +0100] "GET /weblog/index.rdf HTTP/1.1"200 20036 "-" "Akregator/1.2; librss/remnants" - - [05/Dec/2005:15:11:41 +0100] "GET /weblog/index.rdf HTTP/1.1"200 20036 "-" "Akregator/1.2; librss/remnants"
Also ich bins ned … aber irgendein böser Inodler mag dich ned *gg*