$ uptime
12:53pm up 200 days, 20:25, 8 users, load averages: 0,07 0,03 0,00
$ uname -a
FreeBSD huckfinn 4.9-STABLE FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE #0: Mon Feb 9 21:55:40 CET 2004 arved@sauna.arved.de:/usr/obj/usr/local/home2/source/RELENG_4/src/sys/HUCKFINNipf i386
This is an infrequent event, not because FreeBSD is so unstable, but because I usually update the kernel on my machines about once a month. Additional this machine is not connected to an UPS, so this is the proof, there was no power failure in the last half year, Congratulations to Wien Energie.
BTW, i didn’t update the kernel, because I plan to replace this machine, it is now 6 years old, Mini-ITX systems are less noisy and a bit faster then the 200Mhz K6 processor. I am just fearing that today’s cheap IDE hard disks don’t have the same quality. The hard disk is IIRC 5 years old (an 8GB SCSI IBM DDRS-39130D DC1B), and still carries my mail.
2 thoughts on “200 days”
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Micha (http://michael.fuckner.net/me/blog/index.php?/archives/67_Umzug.html) managed to get 200d a few days earlier. The last time I’ve been near 200d (~130d iirc) my house was struck by lightning which killed the entire system 🙁
Btw: How did you come up with that hostname? I’ve also seen mchammer which was kinda nice.
Well this house is very small compared to the neighbor houses, so it is very unlikely that lightning strucks.
I will write an own entries about hostnames, this is getting too long…