vlan(4) Locking

Today bms closed my old PR regarding a locking bug in the vlan(4) driver.
His commit looks reasonable, but I will update polly and recheck.
BTW my next wantlist entry will be vlan-capable switches like the Cisco 2940 in my office.

DragonFlyBSD 1.0 near

Matt Dillon announced DragonFlyBSD 1.0RC1. The 1.0 is planned for next week. As the website lists 1.0 for yesterday, they took the tradition from FreeBSD to plan their releases too optimistic.
I will probably try the 1.0. They have managed to add some features that FreeBSD is still missing like gcc34 in the base system and dual console boot. They are also talking about a new installer, something FreeBSD wanted for years. The screenshots look interesting.

EuroBSDCon talks and tutorials

I just noticed that the EuroBSDCon Website was updated and now contains descriptions of the scheduled talks and tutorials. BTW the Website is one of the ugliest I have ever seen. Why couldn’t they keep the nice clean layout of the last con?

I am a bit disappointed, there are less FreeBSD topics than two year ago.

I am considering booking the IPv6 Tutorial, it looks quite promising.
Other talks that sound interesting:

  • Running the NetBSD Kernel as a Server Personality on Top of the L4 Microkernel
  • Crossbuilding NetBSD packages, although it is probably similar to the one Krister held at pkgsrccon
  • Implementation of OpenBSD’s bgpd
  • brooks’ talk on Dynamic Interfaces
  • And probably one of those pf/altq Firewall talks

Looks like there will be a lot of time for hanging around.

tjr announces Linux32 emulator

tjr just posted to freebsd-amd64 that he has got the linuxulator working.
He wrote, that jdk, OOo and Acrobat work.

tjr > *

I have not tested it, because the countown for the math exam started. His linux-base is based on Slackware, if noone beats me I will try to make a port of it in July, (The first ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 port :-).

Planet BSD anyone?

Via Capzilla I read about the latest internet hype, Planet. I should play with it, as it is written in python and doesn’t stink of PHP. Or I should add a planet mode to rssfetch. Hm, Yet another project for the summer holidays.
But if anyone has time and webspace, there is still a BSD planet missing in the list of planets.

FreeBSD Core team elections II

Okay, the voting has started. After writing the last blog article and while writing this article, it became quite clear, who will be my favorites and I have placed my votes.
Here are the remarkable paragraphs added in the last 24 hours.

marcel added a good analysis of the project to his statement: We do need to make sure that knowledge and understanding is not as volatile as the people who have it. There are various ways to achieve that, but unfortunately they all depend on somebody doing something. And frankly, we’re not exactly cooperative and forthcoming when it comes to action.
We seem to like to talk about how things should be done, without actually doing it. We all have good intentions, but if push come to shove, we’re all too busy.

I think one of the goals of the future core team should be, that there should be at least two developers overseeing a subsystem. This involves forcing people to share their knowledge and to work in teams.

green commented on the question “Does FreeBSD need a vision?”: I don’t feel that FreeBSD has a unified vision — and I don’t think that this is a problem.�[..] Various individuals in FreeBSD do, however, have their own strong visions!

Yes, thank you. That’s exactly my idea, nothing to add.

FreeBSD core team elections

The application period for candidates is over. We have 23 candidates. alfred and obrien jumped into the boat in the last hours. Although some candidates are still working on rewriting their statements, there are some interesting statements I like to cite, as the voting period will start tomorrow, and I have not yet decided who will sit in my dreamcore.

Continue reading “FreeBSD core team elections”


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New world order

Since I have some time this week (no math this week, because Thursday is a public holiday), I catched up upgrading my FreeBSD boxes. tl, my machine at work, now runs 4.10-PRERELEASE and after beeble told me about mgadrm i now have dri/drm working. Riccardo, the Laptop, was upgraded to a recent CURRENT which improved ACPI a lot. The battery now finally seems to initialise correctly, and if i switch between battery and AC line, events get printed on the Console. I haven’t yet tested if cpu throtteling works. acpi_video also seems to work now.
I will probably not upgrade huckfinn, my Web/Mail/News/Backup-gatewayserver, because it is now has 97 days uptime, which does not happen often, because I usually update it once a month, or at least with every new 4.x release.
The biggest improvements have probably been made on amd64. According to the Mailinglist, Kernel modules now should work. But I was afraid to upgrade my main machine yet, since this probably will uncover new bugs. There haven’t been any reports neither positive nor negative from users yet.

First NetBSD package committed

Today I added my first package to pkgsrc-wip. scdp was also my first FreeBSD port in 2001. Only minutes later xtraeme moved my package to the real pkgsrc, so I am now a NetBSD package maintainer. If they are always that quick, we (FreeBSD) really have to improve our turnaround times.
My next package will be a bit more complicate, so I am not sure when I will get it ready.